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CSP Billing Platform

Cloudmore offers one of the most extensive CSP Billing Platforms in the industry. Exceptional CSP billing begins with meticulous price management, seamless bi-directional synchronization with the Partner Center, and a streamlined renewal process. These key features, along with detailed audit logging and clear reporting, help minimize errors and boost margins.

Explore our informative FAQs for quick insights or delve deeper into our expertise by visiting our CSP Billing Platform blog section, where you'll find a wealth of knowledge and best practices.

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Have Questions? Why you Cloudmore for CSP Billing platform?

How do I ensure I have billed everything?
Reconciliation is the key - Read on
When reconciling your billing, the initial step is to compare the cost prices listed in Cloudmore with your Microsoft invoice. Ensuring that these figures balance is a key indicator that you are on the right track to accurately billing all items.
What about changes that have been made in the Microsoft Partner Center?
Two way sync - Read on

The Cloudmore bi-directional synchronization feature guarantees comprehensive alignment between the Microsoft Partner Center and Cloudmore. This ensures that any modifications made in the Partner Center are accurately mirrored in Cloudmore. As a result, it eliminates the risk of missing any changes, ensuring complete and accurate billing for all services.

How do I ensure my sales pricing is up to date.
Automatic Price List uploading - Read on

When assigning a new license to a customer, you can trust that the most current list price, as reflected in the Microsoft Partner Portal, is being applied. While there is flexibility to adjust pricing globally or on a per-customer basis, and even to schedule future price changes, you can remain confident that your standard list price is always in sync with the latest pricing from Microsoft, ensuring accuracy and consistency in your billing.

How can I be confident I am processing renewals correctly?
With a clever renewals report - Read on

Cloudmore's provides the tools to effectively manage renewals for Microsoft New Commerce Experience (NCE) subscriptions. As renewal periods approach, brokers are presented with a comprehensive list of subscriptions due for renewal, allowing them to review and adjust critical details such as Subscription Name, quantity, renewal status, and more. This capability provides valuable insights into upcoming renewals, aiding in strategic planning for price adjustments, quantity changes, and payment term modifications. Moreover, Cloudmore facilitates smooth renewal processes by enabling the configuration of renewal notifications for broker admin users, ensuring that your team is well-prepared and informed in advance for upcoming subscription renewals.

How can I add bespoke or one off changes to the bill?
Manual Billing Lines is the answer - Read On

Cloudmore's Manual Billing Lines feature can simplifies the way you handle and aggregate billing. It lets you easily add custom billing lines or external billing records straight into Cloudmore. This tool is versatile, working well with different types of billing, like managed services, hardware, support fees or subscriptions. It helps you put together all your billing details into one report for your customers. Plus, Cloudmore supports diverse file formats for import, including API, CSV, XLSX, and XML enabling full end to end automation.

Do you provide an invoice for the end customer?
No, and here is why - Read on
Utilizing your ERP or accounting solution for invoicing, rather than a commerce platform, provides numerous benefits. These include seamless integration with financial systems, increased customization and flexibility, comprehensive financial reporting, enhanced compliance and auditing, reduced errors and data duplication, and improved customer management. Once the initial setup and data field mapping are complete, the process of exporting and importing data between the commerce platform and the ERP system becomes effortless and highly automated. This ensures efficient, error-free, and scalable operations that are specifically tailored to meet your business's unique needs and compliance requirements.
How do I try for Free?
Read on

We invite you to conduct a hands-on, risk-free Proof of Concept (POC). This will allow you to process billing for a subset of your customers, giving you a real-world glimpse of how our solution enhances and streamlines your billing operations.

During this POC, you can complete a full billing cycle and directly compare the results with your current system. This side-by-side comparison is designed to showcase the efficiency, accuracy, and user-friendliness of our platform. It's not just about trying a new tool; it's about experiencing a transformation in your billing process.

Our 'Try for Free' offer is a commitment-free way to see firsthand the improvements and benefits our platform can bring to your business. Make an informed decision about your billing solution by experiencing the difference yourself


CSP Billing Platform Guide

Learn more about CSP Billing and how the Cloudmore platform can help with CSP billing and much, much more...

CSP Solution Brief

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