Cloudmore pricing Page

Cloudmore offers a value based pricing model with minimum commitments. 

GBP and SEK by request $
Most Affordable
No Minimum Commitment
Distributor Support
Direct CSP and Indirect CSP Support
Access to Distributor Services
Upgrade to Full Cloudmore - Anytime
*Contract with Distributor
*Contract with Distributor
Service Provider
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Full Cloudmore Commerce
Microsoft Direct CSP Integration
Google Work Integration
Acronis Integration
Integrate your Distributor
Access to Distributor Services
Advanced API
Full White Label
Full Cloudmore Marketplace Access
Add Your Full Service Catalogue
Customer Success Growth Program
Solutioning Support
*Billed Annually, Minimum Annual Commitment
*Billed Annually, Minimum Annual Commitment
Enterprise Commerce Platform
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Complete B2B Commerce Solution
One off, subscription and consumption offers
Fully Extensible
Solutioning Support

All Cloudmore plans include:

Proof of Concept
Customer Success Time
Pricing Frequently Asked Questions
How is the price calculated?

Cloudmore charges are determined by the total value of transactions conducted on the platform, taking into account factors such as the type of transaction, sales price, and associated margins.

Is Cloudmore a percentage of sales transactions?

Our customers value the ability to plan and budget for a specific period, and we strive to provide them with consistent fees throughout that time.

Does Cloudmore offer discounts?

Several factors can impact the price you pay, such as the length of the contract, how often payments are made, and the volume of sales transactions.

Do you do monthly contracts?

While it's not the usual practice, Cloudmore is open to supporting commercial reasons for extending partnerships. We prioritize long-term relationships with our customers, investing time and resources into the partnership just as they do with the Cloudmore platform. 

Do you offer POCs

For customers of Cloudmore, this service is typically provided at no cost and seamlessly integrates into the onboarding process. By the end of the Proof of Concept (POC), if you choose to move forward with Cloudmore, a significant portion of the onboarding tasks will already be completed!

What is the difference between contracting through the distributor or Cloudmore?

Cloudmore is a premier Enterprise SaaS Commerce Platform that prioritizes SLAs, extensibility, and building lasting partnerships. We empower our customers to maximize their potential with Cloudmore by offering seamless integrations, more complex custom services, and an enhancing the customer portal for a comprehensive solution tailored to their needs.

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