Platform Update | August 2024

3 min read
August 31, 2024

Cloudmore 4.0 is finally here!

This is what we’ve all been waiting for - a new modern look and feel to the platform.

The entire user interface, the menu, modals and the colors has received a complete makeover and change to the better.

New UI - subscriptions page

More flexible branding options

In addition to the new user interface, you can now set your branding in a more flexible and nuanced way. Instead of choosing a single color from a pre-defined list, you can now customize several aspects of the user interface.

Under Broker → Themes, you can now customize:

  • Background color - the general background behind the tables and the cards

  • Button color - the color of all the buttons and the left side menu

  • Text color - the color of the button texts, header banner texts and the left side menu texts and icons

  • Header banner background color - The color of the top banner on each page and the hover highlight for left side menu

  • Header banner image - the image that appears at the top right side of the top banner on each page

New UI - branding page

Keep in mind that once you apply the color changes, it will be propagated to all your Broker users and Organization users immediately.

If you want to play around with the branding colors before publishing them, or if you’d like help in setting the colors or header banner image, then feel free to ask our support for help.

Subscriptions page Suspend & Activate action permissions

We have now reviewed some organization user permissions regarding the subscriptions page and removed some action options. Specifically, Organization users can no longer Suspend or Activate their subscriptions.

Subscription suspension was always meant for the Broker as a measure to pause access to the subscription while keeping the billing generating. It’s meant to be a measure to pressure the organization in case they are late on their payment or for any other use case.

The Organization user is still able to cancel their own subscriptions though. This change made it more clear. 

subscription page org user options

Subscriptions export improvements

Another update on the subscriptions page is making the export more clear and convenient.

Specifically, the Hamburger menu icon has been replaced by a download icon, making the action behind it more clear. When clicked, the modal is now exclusively about exporting the subscriptions.

This change is applied on Broker and Organization levels.

Additionally, on Broker level, the logged in user’s email is filled by default when opening the export modal. 

subscription page broker level export

If you’d like to send this report to your colleagues as well, then you can start typing more emails in there and the modal will automatically suggest the emails of the users of your Broker company.

subscription page autocomplete

This same type of export usability improvements were implemented to the Renewals Report export modal.

Additional fields to Renewals Report

The Subscriptions Renewals Report received a couple of new helpful fields:

  • Current Total Margin - the total margin amount of the current subscription term

    • Calculation formula: [Current Total Sales] - [Current Total Cost]

  • Current Margin Percentage - the total margin percentage of the current subscription term

    • Calculation formula: [Current Total Margin] / [Current Total Sales] * 100

These fields will appear in the immediate renewals export file as well as the scheduled renewal reports. Likewise, these fields will be present for all the services.

Approval Request page improvements

An important feature area in the governance and control department is the Approval Process. We in Product Team appreciate this and plan to give more attention to this feature area in this and later this year.

One important update is that the Organization user is now able to see a history of their approved and rejected approval requests in a table.

Organization approval page

This page also lists the “New” approval requests, which are currently pending. If the organization user made a mistake, they can find their approval request on this page quickly and cancel it, instead of finding the specific subscription (which is also still a possible way to cancel).

The Broker’s Approval Requests page also received a small cosmetic improvement. We’ve added a page header banner and more descriptive table title.

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